Who Are The Pleiadians?
And what is their role at this time on the planet?
You may be asking yourself “Who are the Pleiadians and why are they coming up now in my awareness?” Or you may have already been introduced to information on various star races, the galactic community and the ascension process toward 5D (article forthcoming). You may be curious about how Pleiadians stand out in this process.
At this time on the planet, humanity is collectively reaching out for additional information on extra-terrestrial influence and involvement with planet earth and its civilizations. With this elevated curiosity comes the opportunity for cosmic beings to sense the preparedness emanating from the human collective conscious and gradually bring forth additional details. Though I use the term “gradually”, there is actually a speeding up of this process taking place on the planet at this time. Things are heating up and accelerating toward a full reveal of extra-terrestrial life outside of our dimension. As humanity rises in their frequency and reaches a precipice toward becoming a 5D civilization, the situation becomes ripe for disclosure. When I speak of disclosure, I do not mean from the governments around the world. I am speaking about a full-on physical presence in the skies all around the globe. So, where do the Pleiadians come into the equation?
Pleiadians have been responsible for many factors in regard to the development of the planet, the matrix and the humans who walk the earth. Hundreds of thousands of earth years ago, Pleiadians participated in the creation of this reality (again, the creation of the planet, the matrix and the people). In fact, we (see my bio under “About Me” from the homepage) are responsible for the lion’s share of creating this world. Working with Source (God) energy we developed a planet that was capable of sustaining life in all its forms. Then we began creating a prototype “vehicle” (the human body) for the purpose of enabling souls (fractals of the Source) to enter a body and have an earthly experience. I refer to the creation of the humanoid.
The creation of the “human vehicle” stemmed from a desire to “mother” a species. I, myself was one of these Master Creators (Pleiadian Star Mothers) and along with my Pleiadian sisters, held the desire to create a species simply to feel what it was like to be a Mother. I did not expect for the earthly experience to become as popular as it has, but with Universal Free will always at play, the species has propagated. Thus, repeatedly providing bodies (vehicles) for souls to utilize for incarnation.
It was a long road and took 5 iterations to reach the summit of creating a human species capable of holding a wide spectrum of emotions. The spectrum of emotions in which a soul can experience on earth is like no other incarnation event offered anywhere else in our universe. By entering a human body through the birth canal (or shortly thereafter), one can begin a journey of evolving. This evolution is provided through the experience of separating from the Source (forgetting your true self), then being presented with scenarios (life experiences) which call for emotional responses, all while being provided the opportunity to always return to LOVE (as the answer to your emotional reactions) and finally, moving on to the next chapter.
The earth experience has been referred to as the ivy league school of soul evolution in our universe.
With all this being said, you now have an understanding of the Pleiadian role in this world. It has been with all the LOVE in our hearts that we have (and continue to be) right here by the side of humanity during your evolutionary process. Always influencing and assisting from the inside-out, so as not to interfere with free will. We anxiously await the time when we can present ourselves to earth humans in the physical world and not just from another dimension.
My Pleiadian family continually enter my consciousness with personal guidance and preparation for a reveal to the world in earth’s atmosphere in the near future. I have been given a timeline of the next 1-5 years, provided the negative influences upon the planet are no longer tolerated.
The Pleiadians seek to aid humanity in coming to terms with their galactic origins and embracing themselves as a divine cosmic creation. There is no other agenda other than to support the masses and gently nudge them toward becoming galactic participants. Taking their rightful place among the galactic community.
The Pleiadians will show up in earth’s atmosphere to present themselves as an ally to the world. Exhibiting LOVE and offering assistance to the masses. Leading up to and during the reveal, humanity will receive additional information and disclosures from those around the world who are prepared to speak up concerning this topic. All with the common goal of supporting humanity in accepting the fact that earth and its inhabitants are one of many cosmic worlds and cosmic races in our solar system.
In conclusion, I offer the following viewpoint to humanity. Visualize the Pleiadians as the Mothers of the world (whether male or female; Pleiadian energy is divine feminine). Birthing a species through the co-creation (creating using Source energy) process, spanning millions of years with the common mission of providing a vehicle and a reality in which souls can incarnate and evolve. I ask that you consider remaining open to and aware of the signs that will come forward over the next few years. Concentrating on moving past a fear-based reaction.
A fear-based reaction will only bring forth a fearful experience. Fear will not serve humanity in any helpful manner. Moving past fear and entering a mindset of acceptance and inclusion will help to make the process of disclosure smooth and beneficial for all of humanity. We are all one! All cosmic beings come from the same Source! Earth and the inhabitants of earth have reached the pinnacle of readiness for contact.
Aim to embrace and imagine the benefits of galactic participation on a grand scale. Earth’s civilizations will greatly benefit by accepting extra-terrestrial assistance during the transition to becoming cosmic members. Humanity can help themselves by viewing and experiencing contact as for the highest good of the planet and its civilizations.
I look forward to my role moving forward, offering assistance to those seeking direction and guidance on how to assimilate news regarding the Pleiadians and the galactic community. I have been and will continue to be available in some capacity (whether on or off planet) to assist humanity.
I am a Pleiadian Star Mother and have no greater wish than to see my “children” reach and surpass this pinnacle of ascension to 5D and participate in full inclusion as a galactic member.
We Pleiadians are here for humanity and have been since the beginning!