Ascension To 5D
What Does This Mean and Where is 5D?
“What does ascension mean and where is 5D?” This is a question I often receive when talking to clients on one-on-one virtual appointments or those I run into in my daily life. For the beginner to the concept of spirituality on a galactic or cosmic level, this is something that needs to be addressed in order to understand the energetic shifts that are taking place upon the planet at this point in linear time. Exactly where is it we are trying to get to and why?
For millennia humanity has struggled with their own spiritual evolution. First let me give you a short background on the make up of humanity. Millions of Earth years ago, Pleiadian creators (see article “Who Are The Pleiadians” on the homepage) came to this reality and genetically formed the human. This took five iterations and much time to realize, but eventually a species was created that could hold fractals of Source energy (or souls) in order to provide The Source (God) with another means in which to experience themself. This was always the goal. In addition, Prime Creator was looking specifically for a species that could hold a range of emotions that had not yet been experienced. This range of emotions was on a spectrum which contained every feeling from agony to ecstasy and all emotions in between.
So, what did this look like? What situations would cause agony or ecstasy to be experienced? The Creators of this reality formed a matrix in which scenarios could be lived out that would offer a life experience to souls that would engage them in any type of emotion they chose on this spectrum. Free will is always honored however, therefore each soul is the creator of their own blueprint in which to have the experience of their desire. Sometimes it is hard to imagine that a soul would want to feel something like loss and grief, but there are billions of souls who want to experience just that. Just as many souls want to experience utter joy and abundance. With that being said, any experience is acceptable and offered with love.
Going back again to the creation of the human, when this “prototype” was created, approximately twenty-two other star races offered their own DNA to genetically modify the species in order to provide an Earthly representation of themselves upon the planet. These human representations of many different star races created an Earth that became a unique biosphere where no other planet in our galaxy offered this type of melting pot of genetic material. Other star systems did offer several races upon one planet, but not the genetic mixing of “all in one” species that Earth presented.
With the incredible amount of genetic representations upon the planet, we have run into an issue with the evolvement of the species. The people forgot they were one race, the human race. Turning the various civilizations toward the knowledge that they are also divine creators and capable of creating their own reality as well as awaken to the fact they are multidimensional beings has proven to be quite difficult. Many avatars (Buddha, Kwan Yin) and masters (“Jesus”/Yeshua Ben Josef, “Mother Mary”/Hishmiriam) have incarnated in order to assist humanity in awakening to this fact and aligning with Christ Consciousness (Love Frequency), but for the most part it was not fully effective in awakening the masses.
As humanity continued to propagate and evolve, the trajectory of the species headed towards self-destruction and mind control (nefarious beings are responsible for hacking The Matrix and thus, the spreading of mind control of humanity, see my article “What Is The Matrix?”). The Prime Creator then put out a directive to ascend the entire planet. I want to reiterate the fact that freewill must always be honored. With the dilemma of the species not evolving, the Creator Beings (see my bio under “About Me”) went to the Council that oversees galactic planetary evolutions and asked how we may be able to assist humanity without interfering with their freewill. The Council came back with the solution of starseeds incarnating into human bodies to help raise the frequency of the planet and its inhabitants. It was brilliant!
A call for galactic volunteers was immediately released throughout the universe. The call was answered and millions of other planetary, star and galactic beings (or Starseeds) began to incarnate on Earth en masse. These incarnations by starseeds have succeeded in lifting humanity up to reach this pinnacle of ascension. So now we get down to “where are we ascending and why?”
Humanity is ascending to a higher (or faster) frequency of vibration which will propel them into a reality that is quite different from the 3D reality they currently reside in. The goal is to get humanity to 5D through awakening the masses to the fact they are 9D multidimensional beings. So, you may ask, where is 5D and what is so special about the 5D realm? 5D is the universe outside of the 3D realm, it is the great wide cosmos and completely surrounds the 3D realm of Earth. 5D is waiting just beyond the 3D Matrix.
Let me explain a bit about the 3D Matrix. The 3D Matrix was put in place shortly after the fall of Atlantis and served the purpose of separating incarnating souls from The Source in order to have the Earth Experience they desired. However, the 3D Matrix also entrapped nefarious reptile beings (not all reptile beings are negative). The Matrix was then hacked for the purpose of further enslavement of the human species. The first enslavement practice was the downgrade of human DNA over 300,00 years ago. The negative beings came to this planet and manipulated the DNA of the species from a 12-strand helix to a 2-strand helix. This enabled them to control humanity for the purpose of enslavement through the creation of negative thoughtforms. There was now two forms of control: the DNA downgrade and the hacking of the 3D Matrix.
The original Matrix was a 5D Matrix and original Earth beings were aware of their multi-dimensionality. This manipulation of the DNA subsequently kept humanity unaware and in the dark. Coupled with the hacking of The Matrix, a perfect set-up was created which has spanned for over 300,000 years-the of enslavement and control of humanity. The Family of Light has had their hands full trying to lift humanity out of the darkness (or lack of information) for millennia. The dark beings have created a fear and scarcity mindset amongst the people in order to generate negative energy in which to feed themselves. This hacking of the Matrix and subsequent mind control also greatly hindered the ascension of humanity. Know in your hearts, we (the starseeds) are working diligently to assist humanity out of the 3D Matrix of mind control and get them where they could have been millennia ago. The hacking of The Matrix and manipulation of humanity’s original DNA structure has made the ascension process agonizingly long.
The good news is with the incarnation of the starseeds and the frequency they bring to this reality, we have now assisted humanity in reaching a point where the 3D Matrix is being dialed back and negative beings as well as negative behaviors, systems and mindsets are being eradicated off the planet. So again, why is 5D the goal and what is so special about it?
5D is a much higher vibrating density where all are aware they are divine fractals having an experience as a galactic being (whether that experience is positive or negative). 5D was always the goal due to the fact that 5D is where a 3D planet will land (for lack of a better word) once a 3D Matrix is collapsed. In addition, once the 3D realm is transcended, the 4D realm will also be freed and all beings from both realms will disperse to a higher frequency. Let me clarify one thing, there is duality that exists in the 5D realm. It is just not as intense a polarity as the 3D realm.
In conclusion, ascension to 5D will open Earth and humanity to a way of life that is filled with unity and community and love for all cosmic beings (whether negative or positive). Ascension to 5D will move the planet to a density where humanity can become a part of the greater galactic community and begin to live lives of instant manifestation born out of self-actualization and the acceptance that they are one with all cosmic beings. The vibration of the human species is on the rise and the awakening is well under way. Again, freewill comes into play, as not all souls will choose to feel the shifts and energies coming onto the planet at this time and may choose to “check out”. For those who are embracing the shifts, they in turn will set the stage for the coming generations. The up-and-coming generations of Earth already hold a much higher vibration. Some of these higher vibrational children include Autistic children as well as those who exhibit autistic spectrum elements, but are not fully autistic (this is a whole other topic and is covered in my article “The Pleiadian Autistic Mechanism” inspired by Pleiadians on Autism by Sigal Alexandra Porat). In general, the future humans will hold a much higher (or faster) frequency which will allow for the coming of the Golden Age or New Earth.
I hope this helps to shed some light on the ascension. Just know that all stops have been pulled in order to assist the planet and the inhabitants. It is with much love we Pleiadians offer the information that we are the Mothers of the World and hold a special place in our hearts for humanity. I invite you to open your heart to what we have to offer and feel the waves of change to a better way of life.