The Great Awakening
Channeled by The Black Feather Intuitive, Apex, NC
July 24th 2022
“We greet you dear one with all of the love in our heart. We present ourselves to you as the Angelic Collective. We offer you a global perspective on your purpose in guiding humanity at this particular juncture in earth’s history. As you have seen before from the aerial view there is much that needs to be processed but not as much as you think there is when you are in your physical body, looking up and out. We wish to encourage you at this time to understand that all will happen in its own timing, in its own way, in its own divine order and while your being drawn up into your higher frequency states, there is also importance in remaining in the physical and allowing yourself the physical experience. There is still integration that is required. Do not resist this integration. For while it may feel to you that you are being glued to the earth as it were, it is a necessary aspect to the next level of what you are preparing the planet for. This next emanation within your purpose will allow you to work more closely with Gaia. Connecting with the energies of Gaia and listening to her calls for assistance, will assure a level of success that humanity is not guaranteed. You have come here to in essence provide humanity with a guarantee. As this race and iteration has not yet ever come to fruition or been realized to its fullest potential. You are choosing at this time to sidestep the free will of humanity. This is not to say that you are ignoring their free will. This is more to say that you are working with the entity that is Gaia in such a manner that humanity is not aware of the shift and the work that you do. The energy that you set within the being of Gaia and in collaboration within the being of Gaia, sets a different stage where humanity can move forward in spite of itself. This will not pertain to all humans, for again we do honor and acknowledge free will, but there are many humans who have risen to the call of their frequency and their seeking, and these are the humans who will feel the shifts, acknowledge the shifts and apply those shifts to help them to ascend to higher heights. This is not to say you are shifting completely away from humanity. This is a temporary assignment if you will, but a necessary one. You and Gaia have worked together in the beginning and there is a familiarity and a camaraderie between your frequency and theirs. Humanity refers to earth as Mother Earth, personifying it in the feminine. You will know this energy as androgenous and also as The Creator of All Things within this solar system. Allow yourself at this time to take a break as it were, from humanity and your focus on their wellbeing. Step into the frequency of Gaia and lay foundation, for this will ultimately help humanity to succeed in reaching its next goal post if you will. We honor you for taking on this role and this task. Humanity would say you are an unsung hero. For many will not be aware of this work. And yet it is not the acknowledgment that is important but the result. We know that this message is not what you expected. We wish to convey the necessity of this practice. And know that the work you do will matter, will make significant contribution to how humanity is able to ascend. Your work directly with humanity will resume within three months’ time. For now, be in receipt of this task and do not divide your time. We step back now in love and in humility.”
July 25th 2022 - The following statement was heard clair-audiently by myself the morning after the above transmission.
“What you do will cause a Great Awakening”