Calling all Starseeds!
“To The Creator, for your immeasurable confidence and support of my existence and missions upon this Great Planet Earth. -All my love, Merope of Pleiades
Invest in yourself and awaken to your frequency as co-creator of your own reality. Lift your vibration.
As the time of the Earth Ascension and the ascension of humanity draws near, the urgency for starseed and human awakenings becomes critical. Join us as we move into the frequency of Love. Building momentum towards co-creating the world we want to live in-an Earth we can all be proud of. A LOVE based world of unity and community. A world that honors the human journey of self-discovery and sovereignty as a co-creator.
Discover your unique journey on the path of ascension. Empower yourself to lead the life you are meant to.
If you are on a self-discovery journey and feeling the shifts that are taking place at this time-if you sense a calling towards contributing or assisting humanity but are unsure of your path, or how you can help. Then you have reached the right outlet for guidance.
“Melina taught me so much about a subject I thought I was already an expert on: myself!”
—Tre M.

Try a session to explore your options for guidance.
Book an appointment.
Disclaimer: Each client’s intuitive/psychic/mediumship/mentorship consultation is subject to the client’s own personal interpretation. The information provided does NOT constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. Therefore, each client receiving the consultation is responsible for his/her own choices and/or actions.